Operation Promises
Operation Promises mission is to reach refugees, with the love of Jesus. We are called to carry the Father's heart to the lost and helpless of this world and to declare all of God's promises are yes and amen in Jesus Christ. God is opening doors for us to work into several areas, these include: Reaching out to refugees through visiting local hostels. Partnering with churches throughout Europe.Training events and conferences. Running a 'House of Prayer'.
About us
As a former asylum seeker from his native land of Iran, Shapoor Ahmadifar is all too familiar with the fears and struggles that many refugees experience after leaving their war-torn homelands or oppressive governments. He’s also familiar with the religious identity that keeps many immigrants in bondage — a bondage that’s now appearing to be weakening as more and more new arrivals in Europe are expressing interest in learning about Jesus and the salvation, hope and life He offers.
Director: Shapor Ahmadifar
Email: admin@operationpromises.com
Tel: 07427489796
Website: www.operationpromises.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amoos.cross
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shapoor106