About us
The Congolese Association of Merseyside was formed in 2004 and the main motivation was to address social dilemma of our marginalized community (Refugees, Asylum seekers and other migrants) facing social exclusion due to language barrier.
Today we enable the community we serve to take part and be involved in community life and foster a fast integration. We mentor the community, to help them access to a fair share of the society in Merseyside, helping to build a new world of peace, using full potential of individuals and group..
Petronelle Moanda
Our Vision
We are committed to facilitating community participation, in a collective effort to improve the social, economic and environmental infrastructure. To enable an integral integration through information, advice, guidance and community cohesion, through education, lifelong learning and cultural activities, celebrating tolerance and diversity, sharing values and mutual respect.
Petronelle Moanda
Tel: 0151 345 6913 or 07438 496 383
Email: congomerseyside@yahoo.fr
Website: www.congomerseyside.org.uk
97 Stanley Rd, Liverpool L20 7DA
Hours of business Mon-Fri: 10:00am - 5:00pm
We offer a variety of services available to residents within the community including translation and interpretation as well as signposting to other appropriate services.
· Immigration
· Counselling
· Housing Advice
· Welfare Benefits Advice
· Interpreting and Translation
· Training EDCL, ITQ, ESOL
· Multilingual Services